cheer up

[tʃɪə(r) ʌp]
  • 释义
  • (使)高兴起来, (使)振作起来;打起精神;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Mr. Copperfield, my advice to you is to cheer up and know your own value.

    科波菲尔先生, 我给你的建议是你要振作起来,要知道你自身的价值.

  • 2、

    Don't disappoint your friends who help you cheer up from despair.


  • 3、

    Cheer up! I'll show you my notes.

    别担心! 我把我的笔记给你看.

  • 4、

    Cheer up, it's not quite hopeless yet.

    振作起来, 并非毫无希望.

  • 5、

    Ken : Cheer up ! Tracy. It's such a nice day today. Why do you look so down?

    高兴一点! 翠西. 今天的天气这样好. 你为何看起来这么闷闷不乐?

  • 6、

    Cheer up, better times may be ahead.


  • 7、

    B : as the saying itrainsit pours. Anyway, cheer up . Everything will turn out all right.

    正如 俗话 所说,祸不单行. 无论如何, 看开一点,一切都会好转起来的.

  • 8、

    Cheer up, Amy ! Don't put a long face.

    妈妈:高兴点儿, 艾米.

  • 9、

    Cheer up, I'm only trying to make you jealous.

    别不高兴, 我只不过想引你吃醋.

  • 10、

    Come along , now, cheer up; he will be all right.

    得啦, 打起精神来. 他不会有事的.

  • 11、

    Of course I am. Cheer up!

    当然没错. 别发愁了!

  • 12、

    Ryan : Cheer up , Shar , it's summer. We can do whatever we want to. Everything changes.

    高兴一点儿吧,莎佩,暑假了啊. 风水轮流转, 我们想做啥都行啦.

  • 13、

    I wanna cheer up! But how?

    我想高兴起来! 但是要怎么做到 呢 ?

  • 14、

    GARY : Oh , cheer up! perhaps we didn't to do badly.

    嘿, 振作点! 或许我们没那么糟糕.

  • 15、

    Cheer up! It can't be as bad as all that.

    振作起来! 情况不会那么糟.

  • 16、

    We went to the hospital to cheer up the wounded.


  • 17、

    Cheer up! Things will get better.

    振作起来! 一切都会好的.

  • 18、

    But cheer up, the war can't last much longer.

    不过你要高兴一点, 战争不会持续很久了.

  • 19、

    Cheer up. I'll buy you something from the store.

    打起精神来. 我会从商店里买东西给你.

  • 20、

    Cheer up. Life is not as meaningless as you think.

    振作起来. 人生不是你想的那样没有意义.

  • 21、

    B: Cheer up! I have a better idea.

    (振作起来! 我有个更好的主意. )

  • 22、

    Cheer up, remain my true, my only treasure, my all as I am yours.

    高兴起来吧, 继续做我真诚的挚爱 、 我惟一的珍爱 、 我的一切吧,我是属于你的.

  • 23、

    Cheer up. The worst hasn't happened yet.

    别灰心, 最坏的事还未发生.

  • 24、

    Come on. Cheer up! Me too.

    别难过. 振作起来! 我也考砸了.

  • 25、

    Try to cheer up.


  • 26、

    Oh, cheer up! He'll understand.

    哦, 振作点儿! 他会理解你的.

  • 27、

    We all went cheer up our basketball team.


  • 28、

    Please forget it, cheer up!

    请忘掉这件事, 振作起来!

  • 29、

    Cheer up! The news isn't too bad.

    振作起来吧! 消息还不算太坏.
